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GUNTERSVILLE, Ala. – Alabama voters will get a chance to vote on an amendment that would ensure money brought in by the state parks stays there.

Amendment 2 will be on the ballot in November. The bill passed in the Regular Session and was sponsored by District 9 Senator Clay Scofield. “What the amendment does is it safeguards the funds,” Scofield explained, “So it says that the monies that are made within the parks, the public  goes and spends money at our Alabama State Parks, that money stays in Alabama State Parks.”

The amendment would prevent those funds garnered by the parks from being transferred elsewhere.

Scofield says the amendment would allow better planning for the future within the parks. “They can plan more, and they can continue to improve their amenities, improve their services,” Scofield said.

District 26 Representative Kerry Rich handled the bill in the House and in a statement to WHNT News 19 said “This gives the parks a stable and reliable source of funding so they can not only operate the parks in an adequate way today but also allows them to plan for the future.”

“I think it is going to yield great results, not only for Alabama State Parks, but for the people of Alabama,” Scofield says.

Alabama voters will see Amendment 2 on the November 8th general election ballot.  There are other amendments, too — we’ll bring you more coverage of what’s on the ballot in the coming weeks.

The Alabama State Parks Division encourages voters to support Amendment 2.  It has posted several messages like this on its Facebook page.